How to Discover your WHAT


…that ONE word that can turn your stomach into knots in an instant!

There are a countless number of us that would rather settle for the OK life, rather than looking for resources on how to live the life we were intended to live.    Many of us have fallen into the daily routine of work and family life that most of us haven’t given any real thought into whether the life we are leading is truly making us happy.

I was one of those people that thought it would be easier to accept an OK life, not so long ago. But I decided that I wasn’t happy with OK – my family wasn’t happy with OK. So now I am taking those first steps in learning how to make changes and learning to live a happier and healthier life.

Where Do I Start?

Well for me, it started by listening to that nagging feeling in my gut that was telling me that I could do something better in my life, specifically where my career was concerned.   Where I got stuck was wondering what I could do that would make that career life better.  That’s when I discovered that I wasn’t going to be able to answer this question on my own and needed some help.

Enter Steve Olsher’sWhat is Your What?

Once I realized I needed some help with finding a starting point I headed online and I stumbled upon a FREE e-book called What is Your What? by Steve Olsher.

What is Your What Book Cover

As I started reading Steve’s e-book, I was able to differentiate between the things that I was good at doing versus the things I liked doing.  Believe it or not, for most of us, there is a difference!  Let me give you an example…

As a career, I currently work in accounting, something that I am good at doing, but not something that I enjoy.    When I took a look at what I was naturally drawn to doing in my free time, I noticed that I was spending a lot of time volunteering with my kids’ sports associations.   Looking one level deeper, I then saw that when I was volunteering; I was naturally drawn to leading and organizing, two areas that I didn’t get to experience in my current job.

As I started reading through the remaining portions of the e-book and completing the short exercises listed at the end of each chapter, I further discover my natural strengths and was put on the right path to developing my WHAT.  My WHAT of leadership and organization skills combined with my love of researching and writing led me to this very spot – writing my blog on LEARNING TO LIVE LIFE OUTSIDE THE BOX, one step at a time.

Are you ready to discover Your What?

You may be GREAT at your job, but do you ENJOY your job? Are you TRULY HAPPY with your career?

Now take a look at the hobbies/events/tasks that you are NATURALLY DRAWN TO in your spare time.   Do your hobbies and your job provide you with an overlap of what you are naturally drawn to do?

If you said YES then you are some of the lucky few that are closer to doing what you love than those of us that answered NO.

For the rest of us, there is no better time than NOW to discovering WHAT IS YOUR WHAT, leaving behind that gut-wrenching fear of CHANGE by stepping away from the OK life and walking towards a happier more fulfilling life.

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