Reinforce Your Goals With Positive Anchors – Week 4 of Money Mindset Bootcamp

Digging deep into our thoughts and emotions can be a bit exhausting mentally and physically.

For those of us that have been following through the Money Mindset Bootcamp, the last few weeks have triggered a lot of “stuff” we didn’t even realize were down in that gut of ours. Apparently, it’s normal to feel drained – thank God, because I thought it was only me! A bit of relief is in sight – That is why I am thankful that glancing at Week 4 of Money Mindset Bootcamp  it looks like we take a bit of a break of the soul searching and have a bit of fun. (Check out the previous week’s  bootcamp discoveries here)

Each week of Bootcamp we are reminded that our end goal is getting closer to living our First Class Life. Working towards this goal isn’t going to be easy or even a one shot deal – it will require repeated attention to our thoughts and feelings about money and success of our dreams.

As Denise DT says in Week 4 – “Success is just a habit and we’re not leaving anything to chance!”

How do we make thoughts of success a habit in our lives?

Upgrades, Positive Anchors and Decluttering (yes, it is a continuous process)

In the weeks that have passed, we have learned about decluttering and upgrades that will help us clear our thoughts and gain clarity on our path to success and living our First Class Life. This week we are introduced to the idea of adding positive anchors to our routine as well.

What are Positive Anchors?

Positive anchors are simply small physical reminders that you can scattered into your day that will remind you and your brain on what your goals are in your life. Post it notes on your mirror in your bathroom when you get up in the morning with a positive affirmation, changing your login or password to represent a goal you have or an awesome playlist/podcast ready to go in your car each day are only a few examples of positive anchors you could use. The list is endless and don’t need to be anything fancy or expense. The goal here is to make sure that you see these anchors throughout the day to keep your mindset in the right place.

Where in your day could you scatter reminders of your goals, add small upgrades or continue to declutter to get yourself from Economy to First Class? Think through your entire day, start to finish and decide if you can add a positive, upgrade or declutter.

My Upgrades/Positive Anchors and Decluttering

Getting Up in Morning

  • Using the best bed linen in the house for our bed and the best towels in our bathroom (the kids can use own towels!)
  • Made a collage of photos and positive quotes that I printed out, laminated and posted on my refrigerator door to see every time        I  walk into the kitchen
  • Decluttered old dishes (donated to Salvation Army) and brought out “good” set for every day use
My vision board, positive anchor

Through Out the Day

  • Changed cellphone background to a photo of my dream beach house
  • Set up automatic positive affirmations that pop up on my electronic calendar (on my phone and desktop computer)
    “Congratulations on getting one step closer to a healthier you!”
    “Keep working on finding your passion – you will get there!”
    “Congratulations on making your first million – the best is yet to come!”

While At Work

  • Quotes on my bulletin board beside my computer “You’re one step closer everyday, so don’t give up today!”
  • Picture of my dream beach house beside my quotes
  • Changed background of my desktop computer to my vision board
  • Listen to various podcasts – depending on my mood I could be working on more self-discovery, finding my “passion” or just
    listening to music that makes me feel good.

Over time, these small reminders and upgrades will have a compounding impact on how you feel every day. That’s not to say that little annoyances and things that we tolerate won’t compound over time as well and be a drag on your mental energy. When we feel good, we are more likely to take action – when we take action, we will see better results. It’s all about changing our mindset to the positive to strengthen our belief that we are all worthy of good things. The more awareness and thought we can show our dreams the better. Changing your thoughts leads to changing your reality.

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