Your Upgrade Plan – Week 1 of Money Mindset Bootcamp

If you were following my blog posts you will remember that when we met last, I had discovered Denise Duffield-ThomasMoney Mindset Bootcamp and committed myself to working through the six week program. (check out my Money Mindset post if you missed it earlier). Each of the six weeks promised to bring new insight on what is keeping me (and the hundreds that signed up at the same time I did) from reaching our First Class life of success and happiness.  Sounds too good to be true?   Over the next six weeks,  I will see how successful I can be.

After the anxiety of signing up for my first online live program, I decided to dive right into Week #1.   Let me start off by explaining how this program worked.   Once I signed up for this program, I instantly had access to the private Facebook group set up only for paying members.   Each week a new module or lesson was released including short recorded videos starring Denise DT herself.  In the video Denise gave a brief explanation of the lesson and any action items that should be taken.    Denise ended the video by asking anyone who is interested in sharing their A-HAs from the exercise, to post within the private Facebook group.   Once a week, Denise showed up live on Facebook to discuss the week’s discovery and to field questions.  Ok, sounded simple enough.

As I talk about each week, I will share what lesson resonated with me the most.   The only true way to really understand the program in its detail is to experience it first hand because there is SO MUCH MORE than I could ever convey to all of you.

Week #1 was all about taking a look at a plenitude of areas of my life and deciding if I was living a First Class Life or if I was stuck living in Economy Class.    When I say a plenitude, I mean six pages of items including everything from my house and car to self care and wardrobe.  My task was to go through these items and evaluate whether I am living each area of my life in Economy or First Class. It was an interesting and admittedly a depressing assignment  – and that was the point.   Denise forced me to take a look at every aspect of my life to see where I was lacking focus and could make incremental improvements  to get closer to my best self.

Now what to do with this information?

Make small changes, where and when I can, to get everything on my list to First Class. Some of these items could be knocked off really quickly ( new shoes anyone?) and some will take time and money to upgrade.   The main take away from this exercise was to look at how I am living each area of my life  and see what minor changes I could make NOW, to get closer to First Class. Of course there is more detail in the content, but you get the basis of the first week.

I can tell you that there are many things in my life that are at the Economy level, namely my wardrobe and self care.  My instant upgrade – shellac manicure and using my “good” towels myself!  Baby steps to get to my First Class life!  These changes will be an on-going process that I will need to come back to time and time again, but there is something to be said for making even a few immediate changes that made me feel just a little bit more worthy of a First Class life.  Just by making these little upgrades I can feel my confidence level start to increase, which related back to my orignal blog post on easy ways to build your confidence  – small changes are so less daunting to think about but can really have a big impact.

But don’t think that these changes are all about material items though – taking time to improve relationships with friends and family may be on that list as well.

After completing Week #1,  I was still feeling a bit out of my element and still not 100% confident in my decision in joining this group. After all, my main goal was to be looking for clarity on what path to take to get out of my boring monotonous day job and discover my “what”.  But I have committed to going through these six weeks and am anxious to see where this journey takes me.

Are you living an Economy life?

Can you see what areas of your life could be bumped up a little at a time to eventually get you to First Class?

Leave me a comment on what improvements you know you can easily make right now that will help you take that step forward.

Until next week, when I work through Week #2 content (here’s a hint, it has to do with forgiveness!)


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