Why You Should Have a Virtual Mentor

Gone are the days when the word MENTOR conjures up imagines of power-suit lawyers walking around with their proteges, close at their heals, begging for any morsel of much sought after legal insight (although I’m sure they are still out there).  Now the term VIRTUAL MENTOR is claiming new ground ONLINE, pushing out of the corporate world into the homes and lives of everyday people like me.

You May Already Have a Virtual Mentor (and don’t even know it!)


Do you have a blog or blogger that you follow regularly?

Do you take their ideas/suggestions/knowledge and incorporate them into your own life/career?

If you answered YES to both of these questions above, you, my friend, have already found your own VIRTUAL MENTOR!  (Yes, it is that simple!)


I’m assuming that if you are reading this blog post, you are a person that craves information and knowledge, like me.

KNOWLEDGE – for living a better life; knowledge on creating a better mind, body and spirit.

Finding Your Virtual Mentor


My Virtual Mentor: Michael Hyatt  – Win At Work, Succeed at Life

I have always had a thirst for knowledge and as a person new to world of blogging, I am continuously looking for useful information to absorb and to ultimately share.  My daily online travels have led me to discover the world of Michael Hyatt at www.michaelhyatt.com , my own personal VIRTUAL MENTOR. (Actually, I have a few, but right now, this one is my favourite!)

Michael’s website and podcasts (try podcast The Power of Incremental Change) instantly had me hooked because of his abundance of knowledge and experience as a highly successful publishing executive, New York Times bestseller, leadership speaker and more importantly, as a husband and father.

At this point in his career, Michael has dedicated his time to teaching anyone who will listen (and believe me there are hundreds of thousands that listen) that you can LIVE A LIFE WITH INTENTION AND PURPOSE, no matter where you are in your career, your personal life or your physical or mental state.  Michael has a knack for pointing out the simple lessons learned that can be applied to any one of our situations.

Have you discovered your virtual mentor already?  

With the online world literally at your fingertips, you will discover in little time how easily you can find your own mentor(s) online –no matter what areas of your life you are looking to improve.

Thought you found someone to follow but it turns out they aren’t exactly what you are looking for?

That’s the great thing about this virtual mentor concept – it can be ever-changing as you progress through your journey to reaching your own goals.  There are no rules – there are only endless possibilities to absorbing the knowledge you need to keep moving forward, making your life better – one little step after the next.

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