Why Joel Osteen Isn’t Just For Believers

For many people,  having faith in a religion is the key to a successful, happy and healthy life.

But is it possible to find this deep happiness without being devoted  to a God?

How many of us  “unconfirmed believers” are stumped by this question?

Growing up with literally zero religious influences at home, my father will tell you that we are Lutheran – whatever that implies.  Actually, the only influence I had was in my public elementary  school, where we had Religion class every couple of weeks, which consisted of singing bible school songs (that I still remember to this day – Fisher of Men ring a bell for anyone?) and had to memorize the order of all the Books of the Bible (also as a song “Matthew, Mark, Luke, John …)

Now at the age of 41, I have spent the last few years contemplating the idea of there being some one or some thing out in the universe that is looking out for us.

I will say that I do believe that everything happens for a reason, whether we can understand those reasons at the time or not.  What I haven’t decided yet is whether fate is connected to a “God” or if fate is flying around out there, doing its own thing.

In my endless search for knowledge and  motivation  in life ,  I stumbled across the podcasts and satellite radio station of Pastor Joel Osteen of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas.   I am sure the majority of you have heard this name, as Joel runs one of the largest and fastest growing congregations in North America; is seen on TV each week and has also written a stack of books.

As a person that didn’t grow up with any religious influence whatsoever, I envision sermons filled with boundless, confusing scripture readings followed by instructions of “repeat after me” and “amen”.  The thought of listening to someone preach has always sent shivers through my body.   So for the life of me, I don’t know why one day while driving alone in my car, I decided to give Joel a listen.

Yes,  Mr. Osteen does mention God in his sermons.

Yes, Mr. Osteen attributes all his successes in life to his belief and devotion to God – expressing that the power of belief will carry us all through tough times because God has a grand old plan for all us.

But what Joel does differently, and what likely has made him such a huge success, is that he has taken what I consider the  stereotypical “preaching” out of the sermon and made each one of his talks into a motivational speech on how to look at life from the positive side of things, no matter what is happening to you that day.  A motivational speech on staying strong through thick and thin and having “faith” (whatever your definition may be) that everything is happening for a reason.

You don’t need to be a practicing Christian to appreciate the messages Mr. Osteen is working to get out there.


We are all looking for some level of clarity in our lives these days, whether through religion, self-help gurus or the ever-trendy hot yoga.  Regardless of our methods and faith (or lack thereof), the important aspect to embrace is the fact that we are all trying to better ourselves to live happier and more fulfilling lives.   


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