How to Get Through When Plans Change

How many of us have good intentions but life gets in the way?

Whether it’s work, family or your health, I am sure we can all agree that sometimes it really feels like we are all spinning our wheels and can’t get ahead, no matter how much we try to plan ahead.

I once had a co-worker, who at the time was in his mid twenties, when he suddenly lost his father. This young man was well on his way to building his career when his father’s death threw him for a loop. As he spent day after day helping his mother through this terrible time, it became more and more clear to him that his plans for his life were about the shift dramatically. What this young man began to realize is that these turn of events were pushing him into the direction of taking over the family business, in an entirely different field than he was currently working. I will never forget this young man’s departing message as he announced he would be taking over his father’s business – “Man plans; God laughs”.

For some reason, I have thought of that short phrase many times throughout the years when things have not gone as I had originally planned. Whether you believe in God, fate or some other higher being, the message reins true for many of us. We can set goals for ourselves and do all the planning we like but if someone or something has different plans for us, it can be challenging and downright deflating at times. Unplanned circumstances have a knack for popping up and throwing the most well sought plans, out the window.

It can happen to all of us. And when one of these challenges happens to us, how we react can make all the difference.

When the Going Gets Tough…those that make it through have done something right!

What is the “Right” ?

Not that I am a pro at getting through challenges that pop up in my life, but I like to think that I do OK. After all, I AM still alive.   Like everyone, I have good days and bad days when working through problems and what works for me, may not necessarily work for you, but here is what I tend to do when times get tough.

Take a Deep Breath

Yes, that’s right. When things get overwhelming, I literally stop and force myself to take a deep breath (or two). Taking this deep breath helps me calm down, even if it is just for a couple minutes, and helps me clear my head to focus on what is needed to be done.

So just BREATH.

Figure Out WHERE You Have Control

There is something to the message in the Serenity Prayer ….accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can and the smarts to know the difference between the two.

When faced with a challenge, figure out what part of the equation you have control over and take the steps to change what needs to be changed. What’s important to realize is that you can only do so much and that is OK – there is NOTHING WRONG WITH OUR LIMITATIONS because every single one of us has them.

Maybe This Challenge Has a Purpose

Have you ever considered that everything happens for a reason? That after getting through each challenge in life, there is something good to be found?

I know that it may sound like I am over simplifying things but sometimes looking at these challenges from a learning perspective can help you get through to the end and get you ready for what may be coming around the corner (let’s face it, we all know that there is always something else around the corner, waiting to test our limits again).

We all have our challenges in life, with some seeming to have more than others. No one has the secrets to getting through life without experiencing them (and if they tell you they don’t have any obstacles in their life – they are likely lying!) Whether our challenges last a day, a month or even a year, remember that trying these basics steps and taking a little time to get a bit of perspective on the situation can make the difference on how well we all make it through.

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