The Power of Music to De-stress Your Life

For me, there is no greater way to clear my head and focus than putting my ear buds in and play a little music. Who doesn’t love zoning out into their own little world and listening to music and nothing else?!

I was born in 1975, as the youngest of five children with the oldest twelve years older than me. Imagine the music that filled the bedrooms in our house when I was growing up – ZZ Top, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Aerosmith, Van Halen – all back in the days when cassettes were gaining popularity but no one was prepared to part with their vinyl collections. To this day, the childhood memories that come to mind when I hear any of these groups is so vivid. There are so many emotions brought on by a simple song that I can’t help but think about the unbelievable emotional power of music.

Fast forward to present day and my music tastes have shifted a bit. Those classic rock and roll groups are still my first love, but about 20 years ago I let myself broaden my selection of music to include so much more including the now, ever-growing popular country music world. Twenty years ago though, country was not so mainstream like it is today and even those sounds have changed since I began listening to it. But that point is neither here nor there. My point really being that even as my tastes have changed, the emotional power of music that I have always felt, has not changed.

So I like music, so do the majority of people in the world – so what?

Well, I figured so many of my blog posts are about getting through every day life without pulling my hair


out, why not share with you another way that I try to stay sane in a world where over scheduling seems to be the norm. When having a day off gives me anxiety because I have this overwhelming feeling that I have forgotten to add something important to my calendar. For me, music has a huge place in my life to help me tune out the rest of the world for a bit and refocus.

Reduces Stress

Depending on your choice of music, there is definitely a soothing power of music that can be extremely effective as a stress management tool. Listening to music can have a relaxing effect on the mind and body.

Increases Concentration

For me, listening to music to tune out the rest of the world is my number one way to help me focus and concentrate on the task at hand. I can honestly say that every one of my blog posts is written with me at the computer and with either my ear buds in or the radio on in the background. If I don’t have music playing in the background, I find it very hard to concentrate. Silence is not a good motivator for me.

Sparks Creativity

Certain genres of music are more well known for their “story-telling” abilities in their lyrics. Everyone has likely heard the stereotype of country music lyrics tied to heartbreak, drinking and losing a beloved pet hound dog. But if you are truly looking for some creative inspiration, really listen to the lyrics of some off your favourite songs. By listening to the lyrics, you may be surprised to hear the emotional stories the artists are telling, which may spark some creativity in your own work. And let’s not limit our music selection to songs with lyrics – I have been known to opt for some traditional classical music on days where I find lyrics aren’t helping me clear my thoughts. Sometimes a person just needs to hear the music without lyrics to clutter the mind.


Are you finding it harder and harder to de-cluttered your brain and focus on the tasks at hand? Do you have limited time in the day to actually try and de-stress? Try putting your earbuds in and sit alone for a few minutes and listen to a couple of your favourite songs. Can’t even find a quiet corner to sit alone? How about those few minutes before the kids jump in the car to head to soccer practice – tune into some music you enjoy until the chaos jumps back into the car. A little tuning in to tune out, is better than no time at all.

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