How Building Your Confidence Can Be Easy

There is always a time in our life when we can all use a little confidence boost to get through a tough time. Life stresses can just as easily pull down our confidence as it can build it up, all depending on how we handle these events in our lives.

Wouldn’t it be great if we all had high confidence levels?!

Guess what? WE CAN!

A couple of weeks ago I was stressing because I felt like I was pushing myself too hard to get focused and it back fired. If you missed that post you can read all about it in When Changing Seasons Gets the Best of You. I had an unreal expectation of myself that I could keep up with day to day activities (work, kids, family matters) and still happily sit down and write endless blog posts that everyone would love to read. These unreal expectations and added pressure I put on myself, really lowered my confidence level.

I knew that I had to think things through differently, which is when I stumbled across a free webinar by Chalene Johnson called The Confidence Formula.

For those not familiar with Chalene Johnson; Chalene is an authority on fitness, New York Times Best Selling author, entrepreneur, a lifestyle and business expert, motivational speaker….you name, she is doing it!

If this lady can’t motivate you to get going on ANYTHING in your life, I don’t know who can!

Although the webinar is fairly short (and there is advertising to get you to sign up for more in depth confidence “training”), the information that I collected was actually helpful in reminding me of that the Key To Overcoming Obstacles is CONFIDENCE!


…helps you recover from setbacks faster
stops you worrying about things that you cannot control
…helps you believe that your opinion matters
…helps you put your dreams in motion
…helps you eliminate fears
…helps you develop unbreakable willpower

CONFIDENCE can be grown and strengthened.

The more CONFIDENCE you have, the more you USE and the STRONGER you get.


But hold on – it’s great to KNOW all these benefits, but HOW DO I ACTUALLY INCREASE MY CONFIDENCE LEVEL?


What better way to build your confidence by trying something new and actually accomplishing it? Pushing aside that initial fear of trying something new and sticking with it all the way through gives you the sense of accomplishment that you can take pride in. Pride and confidence go hand in hand!


Exercising regularly has obviously physical benefits but also has a giant impact on a person’s confidence level. Exercise boost your physical energy and your mental energy. Find a workout that you love and that you actually look forward to finishing. Finishing a great workout builds on that sense of accomplishment I just talked about which will help build your confidence!


It seems to be human nature to pick out our failings and to stay focused on them for entirely too long. Not only are we what we eat, but we are also what we think! Labeling yourself as insecure or shy will have you believing those things about yourself. Switch your focus on your positive attributes and you find that your mood and in turn your CONFIDENCE will come out on top.


Take that extra 10 minutes this week when you are getting dress to see if there is anything that you can spruce up before you head out the door. Could your hair or make up use a bit more attention? Are you wearing the most flattering outfit? Looking the part of confidence, even when you aren’t exactly feeling it, can do wonders for your mental state in boost who you feel about yourself.

As with most everything in our lives, taking the actual steps to improvement instead of just acknowledging the steps, is going to be the key to success. Life is definitely full of ups and downs and taking these steps will help repair that confidence that may have fallen down a notch.

Are you struggling to build up your confidence right now?  Me too! But I’m doing what I can to get back on top.  Let me know your struggles and we can work through building our confidence up together!

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