It’s Never Too Late To Set Goals

These frigid days of March have me expectantly looking into the eyes of spring ( I know it’s out there somewhere!) and trying to get some of my focus back.

Generally, I am not the type of person to actively sit down and write out things that I would like to accomplish but I find that as I go through the process of developing my voice here in my blog, that I have many distractions in my life; some have been for the good and some for the bad.


I reluctantly admit, what was likely inevitable – my focus ain’t what it used to be.

Step One: Make a Quick List of Goals

Jotting down a few thoughts into a couple simple categories while adding a point or two explaining my goal is an easy starting point.

Blogging Goals

Be more consistent at posting to my blog

Home Life Goals

Get my house more organized

Personal Goals

Eat healthy

Even by just writing down these few points, anxiety and fogginess begin to disappear.

Step Two: Add more detail to each goal with an action plan.

Adding some specific notes on what can specifically be done to do to get closer to reaching each goal, brings even more clarity to each goal.

Blogging Goals

Block off one hour a week for each of the following: brainstorming writing ideas, writing one blog post, posting and fine toning final copy of that week’s posting.

Home Life Goals

Spend one hour each week sorting/purging/organizing one specific area in the house.

Personal Goals

Choose smart food choices at every meal. Listen to my body and how it reacts to different foods.

Step Three: Start following your action plan.

There are hundreds upon thousands of articles online dedicated to helping establish a persons specific goals with the majority being extremely useful. The danger in all these articles is that they can distract a person to researching for hours instead of simply doing.

Goal setting doesn’t need to be complicated and should really come down to making a simple list with a short action plan to get anyone started. This isn’t to say that within each goal person won’t expand into the finer details as plans develop but starting a small, simple list will lessen anyone’s anxiety and provide focus to a great starting point.

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