When Changing Seasons Gets the Best of You

With this being the start of the June and warmer weather, I seem to be surrounded by people that are suffering from the June Crazies.

What are the June Crazies?

The June Crazies are the people that seem to be getting that summer-time itch. The days are getting warmer, longer, sunnier. School is almost over and everyone just seems to be going a little stir-crazy.

Are you counting down the days until you can take your first official summer holidays?

Is sitting inside, working,while the sun is shining so brightly, increasing the urge to jump out the open window and enjoy the fresh air?

Are the kids feeling cooped up in their classrooms while visions of going to the beach, riding bikes and hanging out with friends all summer getting stronger and more vivid by the hour?

Yes, yes and yes!   And I admit, I am feeling it too.

I have been finding it difficult to focus on any tasks at all these days and if I am lucky enough to actually start something on my to-do list, I find I am trying to get it done as fast as possible and then move onto the next one. I am so unbelievably distracted that I have even resorted to scouring the Internet for writing ideas for my blog posts but was left with the feeling that choosing a topic from a premeditated list, developed by someone else, just didn’t seem genuine right now.

Relax, It’s Ok.

We all go through times when things in our lives are just a little crazy and we lack the focus. For some of us the crazies show up more often than for others (any of us with kids can definitely relate!).

Take A Break

Sometimes I find that the harder I push myself to become more focused, the more I struggle to get ahead. That’s when I get to the point where I simply need to take a break.

I take a break from thinking; I take a break from focusing on focusing; I take a break and don’t think at all.

Have you ever heard the saying once you stopping looking for what you want, you will find what you need? I think the idea behind this saying holds true for so many areas of a person’s life. Sometimes we try too hard to get what we want when what we really need to do is take a break and let what we need find us.

Today I’m taking a break from looking for what I want and having faith that what I need with all fall into place. The waiting could take a couple hours, a couples days or even a couple weeks.

I’m OK with the waiting. I HAVE to be OK with the waiting because the process I was taking the last couple of weeks hasn’t been working for me.

Today I am embracing the June Crazies; enjoying not thinking; enjoying the break. Today I am hopeful for what taking this break will bring me.

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